What Is Another Name for the House of Representatives

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the lower legislative branch in many national and state bicameral governing bodies, as in the United States, Mexico, and Nippon. Abbreviations:H.R., HR



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Words nearby House of Representatives

firm of ill repute, House of Keys, House of Lords, house of prayer, house of prostitution, Business firm of Representatives, house of study, House of the People, business firm organ, house painter, houseparent

Dictionary.com Entire Based on the Random Firm Unabridged Dictionary, © Random Business firm, Inc. 2022


What is the House of Representatives?

The House of Representatives is i of the two houses of the United States Congress and is often referred to every bit "the House." The number of representatives each state has in the Business firm of Representatives is proportional to its population.

Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government, significant information technology creates federal, or nationwide, laws. It is divided into 2 houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Every US state is represented past at to the lowest degree ane member of the House, known as a representative. The number of representatives a country gets is determined by its population as calculated in the The states Census. The total membership of the House includes representatives of the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, who nourish Firm meetings but are unable to vote.

Members of the House of Representatives represent citizens in their state's congressional districts and serve two-year terms. They are elected by citizens in their district.

While either house tin can draft a law, both houses must vote on information technology and the beak must receive a majority vote in both houses in order to be given to the president, who then signs it into constabulary.

The Senate and the House must also agree in order to exercise some of Congress's other powers. Both houses must agree to declare war or create new taxes, for instance.

The House of Representatives has several powers on its own, such as drafting all revenue bills, deciding who will exist president if there is no majority in the Balloter Higher, and impeaching all executive officers, including the president.

Why is the House of Representatives important?

The Firm of Representatives, along with Congress as a whole, was established by the United states of america Constitution, the document that serves equally the fundamental law of the country. Commodity I, Section ane states, "All legislative Powers herein granted shall exist vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."

Article I, Section 2 established the House of Representatives specifically and outlines its structure and rules of membership. The residual of Article I specifically states the powers and responsibilities of the House of Representatives, the Senate, and Congress.

The House of Representatives was envisioned every bit the house of Congress that would best represent the volition of the people because members would be directly elected by the people. (Senators were elected past their state's legislatures until 1913; today a state's citizens elect its senators.)

Even in early American history, though, the Firm of Representatives has been plagued past a problem that hasn't afflicted the Senate. Congressional districts are determined by state governments, which ofttimes distribute them in a way that gives an unfair reward to one political party, a exercise called gerrymandering. This unfair practice is extremely unpopular with voters. Despite this, the Supreme Court has connected to leave redistricting policies upward to u.s.a..

Did you know … ?

In the 1824 ballot, no presidential candidate achieved the bulk of electoral votes needed to win the presidential election. The House of Representatives exercised its ability and chose John Quincy Adams as president over candidate Andrew Jackson. Jackson supporters' referred to this decision as the "Corrupt Bargain" because Adams had a suspiciously close relationship with Firm speaker Henry Dirt, who Adams would later choose to be Secretary of State.

What are real-life examples of Business firm of Representatives?

This photograph shows the sleeping accommodation of the House of Representatives.


As is ofttimes the case in politics, Americans talk a lot near the Business firm of Representatives and its members on social media.

Quiz yourself!

Truthful or Imitation?

Members of the House of Representatives serve ii-year terms.

How to utilise House of Representatives in a judgement

British Lexicon definitions for House of Representatives


(in the Us) the lower chamber of Congress

(in Australia) the lower bedroom of Parliament

the sole sleeping room of New Zealand's Parliament: formerly the lower chamber

(in the US) the lower bedchamber in many state legislatures

Collins English Lexicon - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Cultural definitions for House of Representatives

The lower firm of the United States Congress. With 435 popularly elected officials, the House (as it is often called) is the most representative body in the federal authorities. House seats are apportioned (encounter apportionment) relative to each country'southward population. Because of its larger size, the Firm tends to maintain a closer link to local constituent concerns than the Senate, though both houses of Congress participate in virtually all aspects of legislation and policymaking. The Speaker of the Business firm is one of the virtually influential officials in Washington, D.C., and is 2nd in succession to the presidency, after the vice president.

The New Lexicon of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


Source: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/house-of-representatives

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