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  • How To Use And Train Familiars
  • How To Summon Familiars
  • How To Tame Familiars
  • How To Hatch Familiars
  • All Currently Known Familiars

If y'all've played the first Ni no Kuni game, then the idea of familiars should exist, well... familiar to you. These weird and wonderful creatures tin can be equipped to assistance y'all in battle and Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds brings that mechanic back for players to apply.

Familiars are 1 of the gacha-related features in the game only worry non, that's not the only way to become them and at that place are a number of features tied to familiars in-game. Hither's everything yous need to know about your little battle buddies.

How To Apply And Train Familiars

Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds training a mite in the menu

You tin equip upward to a maximum of three familiars at a time, though you lot but start with ane bachelor slot and unlock the others as you level up. In one case equipped, a familiar's stats are applied to the player's stats, making them stronger.

Each familiar has a set element, merely like weapons, and it'south worth having a range of elemental familiars equipped at any one fourth dimension and so y'all tin apace change familiar as needed in battle.

How To Strengthen Your Familiars

At that place are a number of ways you tin can improve your familiars and nosotros accept a breakup of each method in the box beneath.

Level Up

You can level up familiars using Beans or other familiars, and their stats increase each time they level up. The maximum level that familiars can attain is Level 30.

You go more experience points for using Beans or familiars of the same element. The more than level upward items you utilise, the more aureate it costs you to level up.

Edible bean Selection Pods and Beans are oftentimes rewarded for various in-game activities, such equally the Familiars' Cradle, Labyrinth, Treasure Chests, and more, but they tin can besides be purchased from the Shop and Kingdom Full general Shop.


Once your familiar reaches max level, you tin can increase their grade (star rarity) by using Development Fruit of the same element. Evolving familiars increases their base stats. Once evolved, a familiar's level is reset to Level One. Though, different Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, when your familiars evolve in Cantankerous Worlds, they do non physically change appearance.

Development Fruit can be purchased via the Shop, Traveling Merchant, or Kingdom General Shop, simply are besides given as rewards from Adventure Record Treasure Chests and the Familiars' Cradle.


You lot tin can feed your familiars Jellies to increase their attack, defense, and HP.

Jellies tin can exist purchased from the Shop, Traveling Merchant, and Kingdom General Store, and can exist given equally rewards from releasing familiars, completing the Familiar Codex, and possible result of using the Fuse Pot, or given every bit a reward past Al-Khemi'due south Lucky Pot.

En. Absorb

You can apply this pick to take the enhancements from one familiar and give them to some other, nonetheless, the familiar y'all take the enhancements from will then disappear. You can transfer a maximum enhancement value of 100 per stat, and should this exist exceeded when transferring, the excess will be sent to your inventory in the form of familiar treats.


Y'all tin can Awaken your familiars in the same way you tin with weapons. Y'all can use duplicates to Awaken your favorite familiar and tin reach up to Tier Ten Awakening Level. Each time your familiar reaches a new tier, its stats and skills are increased.

Equip Toy

Once you reach Level 43, yous can equip upward to three toys for each familiar, increasing their attack, defense force, and HP. You cannot use multiple toys of the same kind, and some toys' effects merely actuate nether sure conditions.

Toy Chests be purchased from the Store and Traveling Merchant, but can also be received equally possible rewards from defeating Familiar Take chances bosses or the Weekly Citadel Quest.

Yous can combine three toys of the same grade to endeavour and create better ones, although y'all might just end up with a toy of the same quality. The success rate for combining toys becomes lower the higher the star rating of the toy.

★ Rating Success Rate
1★ Toy 100%
2★ Toy seventy%
iii★ Toy l%
4★ Toy xx%
5★ Toy ten%

Releasing Familiars

Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds releasing familiars to get rewards

Under the Familiars menu, y'all tin can select 'Release', where y'all can choose to release familiars back into the wild if you're running out of space. In return, the ones you release will gift you with familiar hatching or ability-up items. You can besides sell Beans from this menu to brand some gold.

Familiars' Forest

Ni no Kuni Cross Worlds receiving gifts from your familiars

As you progress through the game, you will somewhen unlock the Familiars' Forest. Afterward, information technology tin can exist accessed via the Familiars bill of fare so y'all can visit it at whatsoever time.

You can detect all the familiars you take nerveless in your wood and every 24-hour interval at 7am some of your familiars volition be waiting to give y'all gifts, including Heart Star and hatching materials. Make certain y'all visit every twenty-four hours!

Yous can also build your ain home and farm in this area to grow crops.

Familiar Gamble World

ni no kuni cross worlds familiar adventure home screen

Once you accomplish Level 33, you can complete the Reputation Mission that opens up the Familiar Gamble minigame.

Here, you can ship your familiars out to defeat other familiars, occupy gathering sites, and earn some rewards in the procedure, including Toys and Beans for your familiars. Your familiars can also gather Obsidian and Prisms for your kingdom.

How To Summon Familiars

Ni No kuni summoning familiars cutscene

Familiars can be summoned via the Shop menu, under 'Summon'. Y'all tin use Diamonds or Familiar Summon Coupons, both of which you will earn naturally through gameplay, just if you want to, you can simply buy Diamonds or bundles that requite y'all coupons using real money.

You will know what level of rarity familiar you accept summoned based on the color of the egg.

Egg Colour Familiar Type
Grey ii★ Familiar
Gilded 3★ Familiar
Imperial 4★ Familiar

This is i of the very offset mechanics y'all'll be introduced to in the game as you'll receive a free summon that gets you ten familiars, which you can reroll up to 10 times to attempt and change which familiars you receive.

This is the simply fourth dimension you get to reroll the familiars you summon, so don't await to get 2d changes on normal summon attempts!

Every fourth dimension y'all summon a familiar, y'all earn loyalty points, these slowly add up until you are guaranteed a four★ familiar at 100 points, and then a guaranteed rare 4★ familiar at 200 points.

Currency Summon Loyalty Points Earned
Diamond Summon (100 Diamonds) i Loyalty Point
Familiar Summon Coupon (1) 0.v Loyalty Points

Special events take their own loyalty points tracking and these points practise not carry over to the side by side consequence when the upshot ends.

How To Tame Familiars

Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds taming a familiar

As yous progress through the main storyline, you lot'll be introduced to the concept of taming familiars. This involves finding a Brighterfly in the earth, interacting with it, and then using a biscuit to effort and tame the familiar that appears.

Familiars tin range from 1-iv★, though naturally the 4★ familiars are rarer and seem to require rarer biscuits also.

Brighterflies are glowing clusters of night blue butterflies, not to exist confused with the stake blueish butterflies that can be seen flying around as well, every bit shown below. When yous are close plenty to a Brighterfly, its name will announced higher up information technology. Get close plenty to interact, but be warned, it will move away from y'all when you lot go shut.

Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds finding a Brighterfly

Biscuit Option Chests are oftentimes given as rewards for completing various content, but can also exist purchased via the Shop, the Kingdom Full general Store, and are possible rewards from Al-Khemi's Lucky Pot.

How To Hatch Familiars

Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds hatching a 4 star familiar

Progressing through the game will also unlock the ability to hatch familiars, which can be found in the Familiars bill of fare under 'Hatch'. Y'all can accept a maximum of three familiar eggs incubating at one fourth dimension, depending on your level. Yous'll demand Familiar Eggs and Dream Shards to hatch familiars.

You can select up to three wishes when hatching a familiar, which increases your hazard of receiving your preferred familiar. Each wish yous choose requires more Dream Shards, then bear this in mind. You can also refresh the wishes to try and go better ones by paying in golden, the cost of which increases each time you utilize it per egg.

Making a wish does not guarantee you lot volition get that type of familiar. Hatchable familiars can range from 1-4★ and wishes can too include 4★ familiars, though these are rare.

Ni no kuni cross worlds bunnybot appearing as a wish in the hatching screen

It takes ii hours for an egg to hatch, but you tin can speed the hatching process upwards past using Sand of Time. If you want eggs to hatch immediately, it takes 12 Sands of Time.

Where To Get Hatching Items

Familiar Egg Dream Shard Sand of Time
Moneyma'am Shop
Traveling Merchant
Release Familiar
Familiars' Forest
Risk Record - Treasure Chest
Familiars' Cradle
Run a risk
Duel Yard
Al-Khemi's Lucky Pot
Weekly Citadel Quest
Kingdom General Store
Field Treasure Chest

All Currently Known Familiars

NEXT: Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds - How To Redeem Coupons